Vendors: If You're Ignoring Managed Print Services, You're Leaving Cash On The Table
Solution providers who are disregarding the managed print services opportunity are in danger of losing their customers to a rival.



Fuji Xerox & Lexmark release a response to the hacking of the fax machines
According to the report from Check Point Research - Faxploit: Sending Fax Back to the Dark Ages, Fuji Xerox has responded to this fax...

Managed print services: See what’s possible with Lexmark MPS
Enable greater enterprise efficiency with Managed Print Services. Understand your true output investment and how to make it work more effici

Nudging your way to less office noise and increased productivity
Are you getting distracted by colleagues talking on the phone or having conversations across the office?!

至強商務級耳機 Jabra Engage
Jabra推出全新頭帶式無線耳機,帶來優越通話質素、安全性,並可兼容大量員工同時使用。Jabra Engage將成為世界上最強的專業無線耳機。

專訪Lexmark全球CEO Rich Geruson先生
去年底,利盟任命Rich Geruson為全球總裁兼CEO。近日Rich先生造訪中國機會難得,本站對其進行了採訪。腳踏實地、心有宏圖,是筆者對這次專訪的總結。利盟在未來將有怎麼樣的策略和佈局,以及收購後利盟全球和母公司的關係,都是我們感興趣的話題。

Standardize without compromise
Every IT professional understands the benefits of IT standardization, however, when it comes to the print fleet, standardization has been el

Lexmark 最新A4幅面,中小企彩色單功能及多功能打印機
為了不斷地幫助合作夥伴擴大市場佔有率和創造更大的市場價值,我們致力於發布更有競爭力的產品。如今,Lexmark A4幅面中小型工作組彩色單功能及多功能打印機現正式開始接受訂購!