With Latest Upgrade, Joining the Team Makes More Sense than Ever!
If you currently collaborate using Microsoft Teams, or are thinking of adopting Teams, here’s some great news!

作為利盟對可持續產品承諾的一部分,截至2018年1月,利盟已對其53款打印機和MFP模型進行了生命週期評估 (LCA)。

Lexmark Recognized with 2019 CSO50 Award for Privacy Initiative
CSO50 Awards recognize 50 organizations for driving innovation in the security field and implementing world-class security strategies and pr

Old Printer Vulnerabilities Die Hard
New research on an old problem reveals despite efforts, the InfoSec professionals still have a way to go when it comes to securing printers.


Lexmark CX921de and CX922de Review
Lexmark continuously upgrades its devices with faster engines and newer features, and the CX921de and CX922de are no exception.

打印設備本身可能是企業存在的安全風險之一 當IT團隊對更新計算機硬件保持警惕的同時,諸多機構中卻充斥著老化且安全性較差的打印設備。對違規行為的最佳防禦是立足於更新設備,並且是具有限制訪問使用和控制的安全訪問功能。

不論業務模式如何變化,生產力對於所有組織的成功都起到至關重要的作用,如果一家公司效率低下、時間和成本都會被無情浪費。除此之外,在當今的環境下,網絡安全也變得更加重要,特別是在GDPR法規出台後。 幸運的是,您在辦公室採用的設備及技術,特別是您選擇的打印服務,不僅可以幫助您提高工作

GoPro changed how we watch. Now Jabra wants to change how we listen
Jabra and Red Bull spent two years developing the perfect action microphone, aiming to capture the real sounds of the world's most adven

To these people your video call means the world
The impact of face-to-face conversation with our elderly, whether it is in-person or via video, is unbelievable.