How to Choose the Correct Toner for Your Printer?
Don’t waste your money to purchase something you're unsure about. Feel free to contact Pacific Logic, our team is happy to help you lear
Why is Secure Printing Important? Your printers may be a backdoor to your home and business’ securit
Cybercriminals are becoming more powerful, confidential information and data are at risk of being stolen, especially in printers and...
Don’t Take Print Security For Granted
What’s the first thing that pops into your mind when you think of cyber security?
Lexmark unveils new entry level mono printers for channel to expand addressable market
Today, Lexmark is announcing the expansion of the low end of their mono workgroup Open Product printers for channel partners.
Lexmark連續第七年被Quocirca諮詢公司評為打印管理服務( MPS)全球領導者
全球影像解決方案領導廠商Lexmark國際公司 (Lexmark International,Inc.) 近日宣布,Lexmark已連續第七年被領先的歐洲行業諮詢公司Quocirca評為打印管理服務 (MPS) 全球領導者。...
利盟雲服務斬獲BLI 2019最佳解決方案大獎
利盟宣布其雲服務解決方案獲得BLI的2019年文檔影像軟件Pick Award和傑出成就獎。
Harness your busy season with Lexmark
Everyone knows how busy retailers are this time of year. Simplify your to-do list with our proven retail solutions.
創新的混合選項可將打印作業保留在防火牆內,從而增強企業安全性。 近日,全球成像解決方案領導者Lexmark 宣布推出「Lexmark 雲服務解決方案組合」,這是一套基於安全漫遊打印和遠程設備管理的雲服務解決方案,旨在幫助企業減輕管理其打印基礎設施的IT 負擔,通過遠程管理客戶的設